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How long can chicken be kept in the fridge?
Many households view chicken as a common food.

This delicious and healthy source of protein is prone to contamination by bacteria. This is the reason why preparing, keeping and cooking it correctly is crucial. Otherwise it could be a source of foodborne illness.

The idea of storing chicken in the fridge is convenient, but most people ask how long they can safely chill chicken.

This article can help you comprehend just how long chicken lasts in your fridge.

How long can chicken keep in the refrigerator?

According to the United States Department of Agriculture ("USDA") Raw chickens can remain in the refrigerator for approximately 1 to 2 days. Similar guidelines apply to turkey that is raw as well as other birds.

Chikem cooked in the meantime can last in the refrigerator about 3-4 days.

Storing chicken in the fridge helps slow bacterial growth because bacteria tend to slow down when temperatures fall lower than 40 degF (4degC).

Also, store raw chicken in a sealed container to prevent any liquids from leakage and contamination of other food items. You should keep cooked chicken in an airtight container.

If chicken needs to be kept for longer than a couple of hours, it is recommended to store it in the freezer.

You can store raw chicken pieces in the freezer for up to 9 months. Whole chickens can be frozen up to a year. The freezer can hold chicken that has been cooked for up to 6 months.

How long does cooked chicken last could last up to 2 days in the refrigerator, however cooked poultry may last for 3-4 weeks in the fridge.

How can you know if your chicken is bad

Chicken may spoil when stored in the refrigerator for more than two days.

Here are some indications that your chicken isn't excellent:

past its "best-if-used by/before date" This means that the chicken could be rotten.

Changes in the color. Raw, cooked chicken that's starting to turn a grey-green color is a sign of bad. The spots that have gray-to-green mold can indicate an infection with a bacterium.

It smells. Both cooked and raw chicken emit an unpleasant acidic odor that may be confused with ammonia. It's possible to overlook the smell of ammonia if your chicken has been marinated with sauces and herbs.

Texture. A chicken with a slimy texture may have gone bad. Rinsing the chicken will not destroy bacteria. Instead, it can spread bacteria from the chicken onto other surfaces and foods which can lead to cross-contamination.

If you suspect that the chicken is bad in your fridge, toss it out.


If the color of the chicken is beginning to fade, or has an unpleasant or acidic smell It is possible to tell that it's a problem.

Risks associated with eating spoiled Chicken

Foodborne illness can also be referred to as food poisoning and may cause the consumption of spoiled chicken.

High risk of food poisoning can result from chicken, which could have been contaminated by bacteria such as Campylobacter and Salmonella.

These bacteria usually disappear when you cook fresh poultry thoroughly.

It is crucial to never cook or consume the rotten chicken. While re-heating and cooking can eliminate bacteria that are present in the air, it will not get rid of all the toxins bacteria create, which can cause food poisoning if they are consumed.

Food poisoning can cause discomfort and even hazardous symptoms, including high fever (above 101.5degF or 38.6degC) nausea, chills diarrhea, bloody stools, and dehydration.

Sometimes, food poisoning that is severe can be a reason to seek hospitalization and even death.

Avoid eating chicken that you suspect to be spoiled. It is always better to throw away any chicken you think is rotten.


Even if the chicken is cooked well, eating spoiled chicken could cause food poisoning.

The bottom line

The raw chicken will last 1-2 Days in the fridge and cooked chicken lasts 3-4 days.

If you suspect your chicken is rotten, check the "best-before" date. You will be able to see evidence of spoilage, such as changes in taste, texture, color and smell.

Avoid eating rotten chicken.