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How long does chicken keep in the refrigerator?
Chicken is regarded as an essential protein in a lot of households.

This healthy and delicious protein source is susceptible to bacterial contamination. It is therefore crucial to prepare, store and cook it properly. It can lead to food-borne illness.

It is easy to keep chicken in the fridge, but people often wonder how long chicken can safely be kept in the refrigerator.

This article will explain how long chicken can stay in the fridge.

How long can chicken last in the fridge?

According to the United States Department of Agriculture ("USDA") the USDA states that raw chickens can remain in the refrigerator for approximately 1 to 2 days. This is the same for turkey that is raw or any other types of poultry.

Chikem cooked in the oven will last in the fridge for 3-4 days.

The fridge may reduce the growth of bacteria because bacteria grow slower when temperatures fall below 40°F (4 degree Celsius).

Raw chicken should be kept in a sealed container to stop the juices from getting into other foods. Cooked chicken should be kept in an airtight container.

How to keep leftover chicken without going bad is best to keep chicken in your freezer for longer time.

Raw chicken parts can be stored in the freezer for up to nine months. Whole chickens, however, can be frozen up to one year. It is possible to store cooked chicken in the freezer between 2 and 6 months.


Raw chicken can be kept in the refrigerator for approximately two days. The chicken that is cooked can last for around 3-4 days.

How can you tell if chicken has gone bad

If you've put chicken in the refrigerator for more than a couple of days, it's possible that it's gone bad.

Below are a few ways to determine if the chicken in your fridge is bad:

The "best by" date is over. Raw or cooked chicken that is past its "best by/before" date is more likely.

Changes to the color. Raw, cooked chicken that's beginning to turn a grey-green color is bad. Spots of gray-to-green mold can indicate an infection with a bacterium.

It smells. Both cooked and raw chickens emit a noxious, acidic odor that can be confused with ammonia. However, this scent can be difficult to detect when the chicken is marinated with herbs, sauces, or spices.

Texture. Chicken that has a slimy texture has gone bad. Rinsing chickens does not kill bacteria. The risk of cross-contamination can occur if bacteria are passed from poultry to other foods or Utensils.

You can throw away any chicken you have found in your refrigerator if you think it is bad.


If chicken is stale, its color will begin to fade. It will exhibit an acidic, sour, or slimy smell.

What are the dangers of eating chicken that has been spoiled?

Consuming chicken that has been spoiled can lead to food poisoning or foodborne illness.

Chicken is at a higher probability of causing food poisoning because it could be affected by bacteria like Campylobacter, Salmonella and more,

The bacteria typically disappear after you cook fresh poultry thoroughly.

You must avoid eating chicken that has been cooked and spoiled. Reheating or baking could kill the bacteria that is present on the surface. However, it won’t remove certain toxins produced by bacteria. These toxins can trigger food poisoning.

Food poisoning can be a serious condition that can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Sometimes, food poisoning severe enough can result in hospitalization or even death.

Avoid eating chicken that's believed to be spoiled. It's best to dispose of the chicken that you believe has become spoiled.


Food poisoning can be caused by eating spoiled chicken, even if it is properly cooked.

The bottom line

The raw chicken will last 1-2 Days in the fridge The time for cooking poultry is 3-4 days.

You can tell when your chicken is bad by examining the "best before" date. Look out for signs like changes in smell, color and texture. You can also detect changes in taste.

Spoiled chickens can lead to food poisoning even if it is cooked well.